this is long...
1) Open up a blank canvas with the size 490 x 240. You can make different dimensions if you wish but I just used that to keep it simple. Lay down this texture down as the first layer. This will be a part of the background of your signature.
2) Take this texture and paste it as a new layer. Set it to 'darken'.
3) Now take this texture and paste it down as a new layer. Set it to 'darken'. You might want to move it to the center. Mines a LITTLE off center to the left but that's not that much of a big deal and barely noticeable.
4) Take this texture and place it as a new layer on the left side of the notebook. Set it to 'darken'. Move it around until you get it where you would like it. Make sure a little bit of it hits the spiral of the notebook so it looks .. cooler. Not really, I don't care just put it wherever haha! You can always change it later after you place your pictures down anyway.
5) Take this texture (so many textures!), paste it as a new layer, and set it to 'lighten'. Drag it to the center of the spiral notebook so you can see some of the orange sparks.
6) Next, take this texture, paste it as a new layer, and set it to 'darken'. Move it around until you like where you put it. You can always move it around later.
7) Now on to the pictures! you can recolour the,m if you want. i didnt but it looks good coloured.
8) Place down the first picture on the left side of the spiral notebook. Place it in the center of the texture you placed down in 'Step 4' (the stars and spiral texture) and make sure it's somewhat in the center of the left side of the notebook you're placing it on.
9) Take your second picture that you're using, color it, resize it as the same size (or around it) as the first picture. Place it on the right side of the spiral notebook texture. Make sure it's not DIRECTLY in the center but off to the left (or right, depending on the picture) a bit. Look at the signature above to see what I'm taking about.
10) Take the resized picture of the first one you used and make it a little bit smaller so it fits next to the one on the right. Place it down (make sure they are not TOO close together) and cut the left side (or right, depending on the pictures you are using) so it doesn't cover up the picture it's overlapping.
11) Now take the FIRST resized picture you used on the right and make it a little smaller but not as small as the one you used right before this. Place it next to the one that you just cut. Make sure it's not too close. Now cut the side that's overlapping either of the pictures in back of it.
12) Take this texture, resize it (I resized mine to around 100x100), and place it around their heads. Not exactly ON their heads because that would just look awkward, but around it. I used it three times but you can use it as many times as you want. 12) Woo, time fore more textures! Use this texture and place it over the left picture and the right pictures. Make sure none of it is covering their faces. I used the texture four times and placed them all through-out the signature but you can decide how many times you want to use it!
13) Take this bow texture and place it at the top-left corner of the signature. Make sure you rotate it a little so you don't overlap the picture's head. You can re-color it any color you want - be creative with your color scheme!
14) Take polka-dotted texture and resize it so it's tinier than the picture, but not too small! Take a look at the example I made up above. Place it BEHIND the picture. Don't forget to recolor it the same color as you colored your bow texture! I also took that same resized texture and placed it behind the pictures on the right because it looked so bare. You don't have to do that though, I just chose to.
15) Time for text! I used the font "Clementine Sketch" you can find it on dafont.conm. Put it in the right-hand corner of the signature. Next, on that same layer, take the SAME color as the bow and polka-dotted texture and get the circle brush size and set it to around 7. Then scribble 'nicely' behind each letter. Don't over-do it! Check out my signature for an example.
16) (optional) I placed this texture over everything and set it to 'lighten'. I erased the bit that really covered the pictures but left the 'barely noticeable' part.
17) (optional) I placed the same texture used in 'Step 12' and placed it over the text to give it a 'cool effect'.
That's it! Sorry this is so abnormally long .. it's basically my first 'signature' tutorial and I wanted to make sure I got everything down. I'm sure I messed up somewhere, and I KNOW I stink at explaining things, but whatever! I'm sure you'll have an 'OKAY' time trying to understand this. Let me know if you get confused haha because yeah, I just really stink at explaining these type of things.
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